Trainz Track Asset
Grade Xing NRC OH 2L Gated CDE
Minimum Trainz Version: TS12
Date Released: August 30 2022
File Size: 994.14 KB
Freeware Available on DLS
Trainz DLS CDP - FTP Download
Asset Description
Updated original by BNSF50
Grade Crossing Overhead no road crossing 2 Lanes W Catwalk and protypically animated gates and lights. Thanks to Fwassner for the new features. Designed to be used with Boats ATLS. Instructions for the ATLS located at . I reccomend using the grade xing plate alomg with these to fill in the track. These crossing plates, located under objects, can change textures by clicking on the ? mark and using the properties window.
- Asset updated to build 3.5 - Restored sound
TS12 = Trainz Simulator 12 TANE = Trainz A New Era TMR17 = Trainz Model Railroad 2017 TRS19 = Trainz Railroad Simulator 2019 TRS22 = Trainz Railroad Simulator 2022